Understand spoken Dutch

"It was summer, the corn was ripe, the hay stood on the green pastures and the stork was walking on its long, red legs and talking Egyptian; because he had learned this language from his mother." in Dutch

Het was zomer, het koren was rijp, het hooi stond op de groene weiden aan oppers, en de ooievaar liep op zijn lange, rode poten en praatte Egyptisch; want deze taal had hij van zijn moeder geleerd.

Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “It was summer, the corn was ripe, the hay stood on the green pastures and the stork was walking on its long, red legs and talking Egyptian; because he had learned this language from his mother.” is Het was zomer, het koren was rijp, het hooi stond op de groene weiden aan oppers, en de ooievaar liep op zijn lange, rode poten en praatte Egyptisch; want deze taal had hij van zijn moeder geleerd.. The Dutch, Het was zomer, het koren was rijp, het hooi stond op de groene weiden aan oppers, en de ooievaar liep op zijn lange, rode poten en praatte Egyptisch; want deze taal had hij van zijn moeder geleerd., can be broken down into 37 parts:"it" (het), "was" (was), "summer" (zomer), "the (neutral)" (het), "corn" (koren), "was" (was), "ripe" (rijp), "the (neutral)" (het), "hay" (hooi), "stood" (stond), "on" (op), "the" (de), "green (long form)" (groene), "pastures" (weiden), "at" (aan), "on top" (oppers), "and" (en), "the" (de), "stork" (ooievaar), "ran" (liep), "on" (op), "his" (zijn), "long (long form)" (lange), "red (long form)" (rode), "legs (animal or inanimate objects)" (poten), "and" (en), "talked" (praatte), "Egyptian" (Egyptisch), "because" (want), "this; these" (deze), "language" (taal), "had (singular)" (had), "he" (hij), "from" (van), "his" (zijn), "mother" (moeder) and "learned" (geleerd).

Examples of "It was summer, the corn was ripe, the hay stood on the green pastures and the stork was walking on its long, red legs and talking Egyptian; because he had learned this language from his mother." in use

There is 1 example of the Dutch word for "It was summer, the corn was ripe, the hay stood on the green pastures and the stork was walking on its long, red legs and talking Egyptian; because he had learned this language from his mother." being used:

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