Understand spoken Dutch

"It was happy that the door was open and that it could slip out among the bushes into the newly fallen snow." in Dutch

’t Was gelukkig, dat de deur openstond en dat het tussen de takken in de vers gevallen sneeuw kon sluipen

Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “It was happy that the door was open and that it could slip out among the bushes into the newly fallen snow.” is ’t Was gelukkig, dat de deur openstond en dat het tussen de takken in de vers gevallen sneeuw kon sluipen. The Dutch, ’t Was gelukkig, dat de deur openstond en dat het tussen de takken in de vers gevallen sneeuw kon sluipen, can be broken down into 20 parts:"it (abbreviation)" (’t), "was" (was), "happy" (gelukkig), "that" (dat), "the" (de), "door" (deur), "stood open" (openstond), "and" (en), "that" (dat), "it" (het), "between" (tussen), "the" (de), "branches" (takken), "in" (in), "the" (de), "fresh" (vers), "fallen" (gevallen), "snow" (sneeuw), "could (singular)" (kon) and "to sneak" (sluipen).

Examples of "It was happy that the door was open and that it could slip out among the bushes into the newly fallen snow." in use

There is 1 example of the Dutch word for "It was happy that the door was open and that it could slip out among the bushes into the newly fallen snow." being used:

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