Understand spoken Dutch

"I couldn't get them in; no matter how much it quacked, it didn't help me!" in Dutch

Ik kon ze er maar niet in krijgen; hoe ik ook kwakte, het hielp mij niemendal!

Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “I couldn't get them in; no matter how much it quacked, it didn't help me!” is Ik kon ze er maar niet in krijgen; hoe ik ook kwakte, het hielp mij niemendal!. The Dutch, Ik kon ze er maar niet in krijgen; hoe ik ook kwakte, het hielp mij niemendal!, can be broken down into 16 parts:"I" (ik), "could (singular)" (kon), "they (short form)" (ze), "there" (er), "but" (maar), "not" (niet), "in" (in), "to get" (krijgen), "how" (hoe), "I" (ik), "also; as well" (ook), "quacked" (kwakte), "it" (het), "helped" (hielp), "me (emphatic)" (mij) and "nothing" (niemendal).

Examples of "I couldn't get them in; no matter how much it quacked, it didn't help me!" in use

There is 1 example of the Dutch word for "I couldn't get them in; no matter how much it quacked, it didn't help me!" being used:

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