geweest Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “been” is geweest. Examples of "been" in use There are 15 examples of the Dutch word for "been" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn Where did you go on your last vacation? Waar ben je laatst op vakantie geweest? Learn My life would be completely empty without you. Zonder jou was mijn leven helemaal leeg geweest. Learn After he’d been at the festival, he had problems with his hearing. Nadat hij op het festival was geweest, had hij last van zijn gehoor. Learn “It stretches far beyond the other side of the trees, until the pastor’s garden; but I have never been there.” “Die strekt zich nog ver aan de andere kant van het geboomte uit, tot aan de tuin van de pastoor; maar daar ben ik nog nooit geweest.” Learn There have been reports of several power outages. Er zijn verscheidene meldingen van stroomstoringen geweest. Learn Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Current page 2 Practice Lesson "been" Practice (14) Lesson Learn Lesson words been etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases After he’d been at the festival, he had problems with his hearing., Have you been there?, He already would have been happy if the ducks would have accepted him around them, Heaven knows what there was in the bed!, her grandmother had never before been so beautiful, so big, How often have you been in the Netherlands?, I have never been there., I have never been to the United States., I just went to the sea., I’ve been married three times., Tom has been here longer than Mary., Where did you go on your last vacation?, “It stretches far beyond the other side of the trees, until the pastor’s garden; but I have never been there.” etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 29 Part of Speech Courses Verbs (past participle) 1 Acknowledgements Audio Leslie Van Ael