Understand spoken Dutch

Dutch-English Dictionary - D

0 (1) 1 (9) 2 (3) A (675) B (1039) C (170) D (3701) E (1153) F (186) G (844) H (2047) I (1131) J (256) K (711) L (427) M (662) N (378) O (752) P (490) Q (2) R (354) S (1031) T (1023) U (180) V (1190) W (978) X (3) Y (88) Z (839)
Dutch Recording English Learn

de wijding

the consecration

de wijn

the wine

de wijnranken

the vines

de wijsbegeerte

philosophy (long form)

de wikkel

the wrapper

de wilgen

the willows

de wimpel

the pennon (a type of flag)

de wimper

the eyelash

de wind

the wind

de wind rukte ze af, zodat zij in de rondte dansten, en boven in de lucht was het snerpend koud

the wind tore them off, so they danced around, and up in the air it was ice cold

de windhoos

the tornado

de windmolens

the windmills

de windstoot

the gust of wind

de winkel

the shop

de winkelramen

the shop-windows

de winkelrekken

the shop shelves

de winkels

the shops

De winkels zijn gesloten.

The shops are closed.

de winter

the winter

De winter nadert.

Winter is approaching.

de wissers

the wipers

de witte luifel

the white canopy

De woelige zakenwereld is onvoorspelbaar.

The turbulent business world is unpredictable.

De woelige zee beangstigde de kinderen.

The turbulent sea frightened the children.

de woerd

the drake

de woestijn

the desert

de wolf

the wolf

De wolf en de drie biggetjes

The Three Little Pigs

de wolk

the cloud

de wolken

the clouds

de wolken zaten vol hagel en sneeuw

the clouds were full of hail and snow

de wolkenflarden

the cloud patches

de wond

the wound

de wonden

the wounds

de woning

the home

de woonboot

the house boat