Understand spoken Dutch

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Recording English Dutch Time ago created Learn
the notification

de aanzegging

10 years 7 months ago
This is humiliating.

Dit is vernederend.

10 years 7 months ago


10 years 7 months ago
to become silent


10 years 7 months ago
the defamation

de smaad

10 years 7 months ago
the seed (in a competition)

het reekshoofd

10 years 7 months ago
Belgium is not seeded.

België is geen reekshoofd.

10 years 7 months ago
to kill (informal)

om zeep helpen

10 years 7 months ago
to mess about


10 years 7 months ago


10 years 7 months ago
the adverb

het bijwoord

10 years 7 months ago
to brace yourself (part 2)


10 years 7 months ago
the redevelopment

de heraanleg

10 years 7 months ago
to linger


10 years 7 months ago
the quay

de kade

10 years 7 months ago
at present; nowadays


10 years 8 months ago
to transport; to carry


10 years 8 months ago
the support

het draagvlak

10 years 8 months ago
the import

de invoer

10 years 8 months ago
at the latest


10 years 8 months ago
the sticky label

het kleefbriefje

10 years 8 months ago


10 years 8 months ago
You cannot touch anything there.

Je mag daar niets aanraken.

10 years 8 months ago
to touch


10 years 8 months ago
thick as a brick


10 years 8 months ago
to push off


10 years 8 months ago
the harness

het gareel

10 years 8 months ago
the recommendation

de aanrader

10 years 8 months ago
to care for


10 years 8 months ago
the target

de schietschijf

10 years 8 months ago
the mate; the comrade

de gezel

10 years 8 months ago
the fold

de plooi

10 years 8 months ago
the head injury

het hoofdletsel

10 years 8 months ago
the injury

het letsel

10 years 8 months ago


10 years 8 months ago
chilly; bleak


10 years 8 months ago
I wish you much hope and prospects in the future days.

Ik wens je wat hoop en wat uitzicht op morgen.

10 years 8 months ago
the prospect; the outlook

het uitzicht

10 years 8 months ago
the planet

de planeet

10 years 9 months ago
the battle

de veldslag

10 years 9 months ago