Understand spoken Dutch

Food Examples Dutch lesson

The fodder; the cattle feed. The Dutch for "the fodder; the cattle feed" is "het veevoeder".
The mushroom. The Dutch for "the mushroom" is "de champignon".
The cabbage. The Dutch for "the cabbage" is "de kool".
The carrot. The Dutch for "the carrot" is "de wortel".
The cassava. The Dutch for "the cassava" is "de maniok".
The leek. The Dutch for "the leek" is "de prei".
The sprout. The Dutch for "the sprout" is "de spruit".
The meat. The Dutch for "the meat" is "het vlees".
A vegetable. The Dutch for "a vegetable" is "een groente".
The rice. The Dutch for "the rice" is "de rijst".
The apricot. The Dutch for "the apricot" is "de abrikoos".
The apple. The Dutch for "the apple" is "de appel".
The butter. The Dutch for "the butter" is "de boter".
The chocolate. The Dutch for "the chocolate" is "de chocolade".
The lemon. The Dutch for "the lemon" is "de citroen".
The vegetable. The Dutch for "the vegetable" is "de groente".
The jam. The Dutch for "the jam" is "de jam".
The cheese. The Dutch for "the cheese" is "de kaas".
Frying pan. The Dutch for "frying pan" is "koekenpan".
Herbal tea. The Dutch for "herbal tea" is "kruidenthee".