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Recording English French Time ago created Learn
Marseille (city)


6 years 10 months ago
She lost her wooden block somewhere in the car.

Elle a perdu son bloc en bois quelque part dans la voiture.

6 years 10 months ago
I found his wooden block in the bin.

J’ai trouvé son bloc en bois dans la poubelle.

6 years 10 months ago
love; like (2nd person singular)


6 years 10 months ago
films; movies


6 years 10 months ago
to do; to put (vulgar)


6 years 10 months ago
do; put (1st person singular, vulgar)


6 years 10 months ago
My nephew is tall for his age.

Mon neveu est grand pour son âge.

6 years 11 months ago
tall (masculine)


6 years 11 months ago
She takes care of her nephew every Sunday.

Elle s’occupe de son neveu tous les dimanches.

6 years 11 months ago
the nephew

le neveu

6 years 11 months ago
a nephew

un neveu

6 years 11 months ago
I have to buy two tricycles for my nephews.

Je dois acheter deux tricycles pour mes neveux.

6 years 11 months ago


6 years 11 months ago


6 years 11 months ago
the French Riviera

la Côte d’Azur

6 years 11 months ago
French Riviera

Côte d’Azur

6 years 11 months ago
of azure


6 years 11 months ago
the azure


6 years 11 months ago


6 years 11 months ago
I dream; I am dreaming

je rêve

6 years 11 months ago
to dream; dreaming


6 years 11 months ago
dream; am dreaming


6 years 11 months ago
you drive

tu conduis

6 years 11 months ago
drive; lead (2nd person singular)


6 years 11 months ago
prefer (2nd person singular)


6 years 11 months ago
which one (masculine singular)


6 years 11 months ago
sorry (feminine singular)


6 years 11 months ago
His tricycle is in front of the house.

Son tricycle est en face de la maison.

6 years 11 months ago
He is selling his old toys to buy a computer.

Il vend ses vieux jouets pour acheter un ordinateur.

6 years 11 months ago
He’s got too many toys.

Il a beaucoup trop de jouets.

6 years 11 months ago
She plays tea parties with her mom.

Elle joue à la dinette avec sa mère.

6 years 11 months ago
Her toy tea set is somewhere in the attic.

Sa dinette est quelque part dans le grenier.

6 years 11 months ago
You are beautiful.

Tu es belle.

7 years ago
I have to buy a toy for her birthday.

Je dois acheter un jouet pour son anniversaire.

7 years ago
I lost my new toy.

J’ai perdu mon nouveau jouet.

7 years ago
He needs a new tablet to do his homework.

Il a besoin d’une nouvelle tablette pour faire ses devoirs.

7 years ago
She gave all her spinning tops to her son.

Elle a donné ses toupies à son fils.

7 years ago


7 years ago
that there is

qu’il y a

7 years ago