Understand spoken French

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Recording English French Time ago created Learn
What are they doing?

Qu’est-ce qu’ils font ?

6 years 6 months ago
What is she doing?

Qu’est-ce qu’elle fait ?

6 years 6 months ago
What is he doing?

Qu’est-ce qu’il fait ?

6 years 6 months ago
What’s her name?

Comment s’appelle-t-elle ?

6 years 6 months ago
What’s his name?

Comment s’appelle-t-il ?

6 years 6 months ago
Who is it?

Qui est-ce?

6 years 6 months ago
female cat


6 years 6 months ago


6 years 6 months ago
to melt


6 years 6 months ago
And you? Where are you from? (informal)

Et toi ? Tu es d’où ?

6 years 6 months ago
to grate


6 years 6 months ago
Where are you from? (informal)

Tu es d’où ?

6 years 6 months ago
And you? (informal)

Et toi ?

6 years 6 months ago
to cook (short form)


6 years 6 months ago
And you? Where are you from?

Et vous ? Vous êtes d’où ?

6 years 6 months ago
from where?

d’où ?

6 years 6 months ago
Where are you from? (formal)

Vous êtes d’où ?

6 years 6 months ago
And you? (formal)

Et vous ?

6 years 6 months ago
Not bad, thank you.

Pas mal, merci.

6 years 6 months ago
to chop


6 years 6 months ago
to boil


6 years 6 months ago
to fry


6 years 6 months ago


6 years 6 months ago


6 years 6 months ago
I am fine, thank you.

Je vais bien, merci.

6 years 6 months ago
I am very well, thank you.

Je vais très bien, merci.

6 years 6 months ago
See you soon.

À bientôt.

6 years 6 months ago
See you tonight.

À ce soir.

6 years 6 months ago

Salut !

6 years 6 months ago


6 years 6 months ago


6 years 6 months ago
the armadillo

le tatou

6 years 6 months ago
the snail


6 years 6 months ago
the squirrel


6 years 6 months ago
the kitty

la minette

6 years 6 months ago
the female cat

la chatte

6 years 6 months ago
the cat

le chat

6 years 6 months ago
the cockroach

le cafard

6 years 6 months ago
the animals

les animaux

6 years 6 months ago
rolling pin

rouleau à pâtisserie

6 years 6 months ago