Understand spoken French

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Recording English French Time ago created Learn


7 years ago
How old are you?

Quel âge avez-vous ?

7 years ago
Where are my underpants?

Où est mon slip ?

7 years ago
You are pretty.

Vous êtes jolie.

7 years ago
Paris is in the north. Marseille is in the south.

Paris est au nord. Marseille est au sud.

7 years ago
he pulls; he’s pulling

il tire

7 years ago
to pull


7 years ago
pulls; is pulling


7 years ago
He is selling his puzzles to buy a tablet.

Il vend ses puzzles pour acheter une tablette.

7 years ago
the noise

le bruit

7 years ago
a noise

un bruit

7 years ago
I heard some noise in the attic.

J’ai entendu du bruit dans le grenier.

7 years ago


7 years ago
He cleans his attic once a year .

Il nettoie son grenier une fois par an.

7 years ago
the attic

le grenier

7 years ago
an attic

un grenier

7 years ago


7 years ago
I found my old rocking horse in the attic.

J’ai trouvé mon vieux cheval à bascule dans le grenier.

7 years ago
This robot functions without batteries.

Ce robot fonctionne sans piles.

7 years ago
I have to build a robot for a class project.

Je dois construire un robot pour un projet de classe.

7 years ago
What movies do you like?

Quels films aimes-tu ?

7 years ago
I don’t care! (vulgar)

Je m’en fous !

7 years ago
I want to drink some wine.

Je veux boire du vin.

7 years ago
I dream of going to the French Riviera.

Je rêve d’aller sur la Côte d’Azur.

7 years ago


7 years ago
What is it ? (short form)

Qu’est-ce ?

7 years 1 month ago
what is


7 years 1 month ago
He repaired his robot in two days.

Il a réparé son robot en deux jours.

7 years 1 month ago
She loves to play with her puzzles.

Elle aime jouer avec ses puzzles.

7 years 1 month ago
This game is really a brain teaser.

Ce jeu est vraiment un casse-tête.

7 years 1 month ago
Don’t drive fast.

Ne conduis pas vite.

7 years 1 month ago
Which one do you prefer?

Lequel préfères-tu ?

7 years 1 month ago
What day is it?

Quel jour sommes-nous ?

7 years 1 month ago
What are you doing on Saturday evening?

Que faites-vous le samedi soir ?

7 years 1 month ago
What is your job?

Quel métier faites-vous ?

7 years 1 month ago
It’s beautiful!

C’est beau !

7 years 1 month ago
possible; feasible


7 years 1 month ago
What’s inside?

Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dedans ?

7 years 1 month ago
you play; you are playing (2nd person plural or polite form)

vous jouez

7 years 1 month ago
play; are playing (2nd person plural)


7 years 1 month ago