Understand spoken French

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Recording English French Time ago created Learn
at 5 years old I will have my first bicycle

à 5 ans j’aurai mon premier vélo

9 years 3 months ago


9 years 3 months ago
I don’t have the time to watch TV anymore

je n’ai plus le temps de regarder la télévision

9 years 3 months ago


9 years 3 months ago
I’ve never visited Moscow.

Je n’ai jamais visité Moscou.

9 years 3 months ago
have never (1st person singular)

n’ai jamais

9 years 3 months ago
don’t have any more (1st person singular)

n’ai plus

9 years 3 months ago
yellow jersey

maillot jaune

9 years 3 months ago
We have sent you an e-mail to reset your password. Thank you for clicking on the link in this e-mail.

Nous vous avons envoyé un email pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe. Merci de cliquer sur le lien dans cet email.

9 years 3 months ago
really had fun (informal)

s’est vraiment bien éclatés

9 years 3 months ago
then in this case

alors là

9 years 3 months ago
Who has a book?

Qui a un livre ?

9 years 3 months ago
the sons

les fils

9 years 3 months ago
the children

les enfants

9 years 3 months ago
the fathers

les pères

9 years 3 months ago
Good evening!

Bonsoir !

9 years 3 months ago
You are the father.

Vous êtes le père.

9 years 3 months ago
He has a newspaper.

Il a un journal.

9 years 3 months ago
You have some books.

Vous avez des livres.

9 years 3 months ago
Where is the cheese?

Où est le fromage ?

9 years 3 months ago
Is there water in the glass?

Est-ce qu’il y a de l’eau dans le verre ?

9 years 3 months ago
Where is the mother?

Où est la mère ?

9 years 3 months ago
Where is the father?

Où est le père ?

9 years 3 months ago
Where is the cat?

Où est le chat ?

9 years 3 months ago
day (duration)


9 years 3 months ago
bursts; is bursting


9 years 3 months ago
has a ball; is having a ball


9 years 3 months ago
past (feminine singular)


9 years 3 months ago
to forget


9 years 3 months ago


9 years 3 months ago


9 years 3 months ago
when one


9 years 3 months ago
tiring (masculine plural)


9 years 3 months ago
international (masculine plural)


9 years 3 months ago


9 years 3 months ago
to do again


9 years 3 months ago
leave again; am leaving again


9 years 3 months ago
allows; is allowing


9 years 3 months ago


9 years 3 months ago
to move


9 years 3 months ago