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9 years 2 months ago
What colour is the wine?

De quelle couleur est le vin ?

9 years 2 months ago
We have two doors in the kitchen.

Nous avons deux portes dans la cuisine.

9 years 2 months ago


9 years 2 months ago
You are next to the table.

Tu es à côté de la table.

9 years 2 months ago
opposite; facing

en face de

9 years 2 months ago
He is facing the table.

Il est en face de la table.

9 years 2 months ago
They are in front of the lamp.

Ils sont devant la lampe.

9 years 2 months ago
Marie (girl’s name)


9 years 2 months ago
Marie is the daughter.

Marie est la fille.

9 years 2 months ago


9 years 2 months ago


9 years 2 months ago


9 years 2 months ago


9 years 2 months ago
swimming pools


9 years 2 months ago


9 years 2 months ago
to cook

faire la cuisine

9 years 2 months ago
who don’t like

qui n’aiment pas

9 years 2 months ago
for campers

pour les campeurs

9 years 2 months ago
which serves take away meals

qui sert des plats à emporter

9 years 2 months ago
there’s a bar

il y a un bar

9 years 2 months ago
also; moreover

en plus

9 years 2 months ago
Also, there’s a bar which serves take away meals for campers who don’t like to cook.

En plus, il y a un bar qui sert des plats à emporter pour les campeurs qui n’aiment pas faire la cuisine.

9 years 2 months ago
The four restaurants have room for one hundred and ninety starving campers.

Les quatre restaurants ont de la place pour cent-quatre-vingt-dix campeurs affamés.

9 years 2 months ago
for one hundred and ninety starving campers

pour cent-quatre-vingt-dix campeurs affamés

9 years 2 months ago
have room (3rd person plural)

ont de la place

9 years 2 months ago
the four restaurants

les quatre restaurants

9 years 2 months ago
There are three big swimming pools, two well-equipped games rooms, six tennis courts and eight shower and toilet blocks where there is constant hot water.

Il y a trois grandes piscines, deux salles de jeux bien équipées, six courts de tennis et huit blocs sanitaires où il y a de l’eau chaude en permanence.

9 years 2 months ago
It’s a campsite which attracts a lot of tourists thanks to its very pleasant location, and moreover, the facilities are really superb.

C’est un camping qui attire beaucoup de touristes grâce à sa situation très agréable, et de plus les installations sont vraiment superbes.

9 years 2 months ago

en permanence

9 years 2 months ago
where there is hot water

où il y a de l’eau chaude

9 years 2 months ago
and eight shower and toilet blocks

et huit blocs sanitaires

9 years 2 months ago
six tennis courts

six courts de tennis

9 years 2 months ago
two well-equipped games rooms

deux salles de jeux bien équipées

9 years 2 months ago
there are three big swimming pools

il y a trois grandes piscines

9 years 2 months ago
and moreover, the facilities are really superb

et de plus les installations sont vraiment superbes

9 years 2 months ago
the facilities are really superb

les installations sont vraiment superbes

9 years 2 months ago
and moreover

et de plus

9 years 2 months ago
thanks to its very pleasant location

grâce à sa situation très agréable

9 years 2 months ago
it’s a campsite

c’est un camping

9 years 2 months ago