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which attracts a lot of tourists

qui attire beaucoup de touristes

9 years 2 months ago
it’s a campsite which attracts a lot of tourists

c’est un camping qui attire beaucoup de touristes

9 years 2 months ago
There’s a ten percent discount for groups of more than six people.

Il y a une réduction de dix pour cent pour les groupes de plus de six personnes.

9 years 2 months ago
It’s fifteen euros per pitch and per night as well as five euros per person.

C’est quinze euros par emplacement par nuit plus cinq euros par personne.

9 years 2 months ago
More than fifty percent of places are in the shade.

Plus de cinquante pour cent des places sont ombragées.

9 years 2 months ago
The Saint Michael campsite (part 1)

Le camping Saint-Michel (partie 1)

9 years 2 months ago
and I am fifteen years old

et j’ai quinze ans

9 years 3 months ago
Pascale (girl’s name)


9 years 3 months ago
my name is Pascale

je m’appelle Pascale

9 years 3 months ago
Only those who do nothing, don’t make mistakes!

Il n’y a que ceux qui ne font rien qui ne se trompent jamais !

9 years 3 months ago


9 years 3 months ago


9 years 3 months ago
The flowers are red.

Les fleurs sont rouges.

9 years 3 months ago


9 years 3 months ago
There is a book on the chair.

Il y a un livre sur la chaise.

9 years 3 months ago


9 years 3 months ago
I am behind the armchair.

Je suis derrière le fauteuil.

9 years 3 months ago
The books are under the photo.

Les livres sont sous la photo.

9 years 3 months ago
Jean is the son.

Jean est le fils.

9 years 3 months ago
She is behind the table.

Elle est derrière la table.

9 years 3 months ago
two hundred pitches for tents

deux-cent places pour des tentes

9 years 3 months ago
seventy-five pitches for caravans

soixante-quinze places pour des caravanes

9 years 3 months ago
and twenty-five pitches for camper vans

et vingt-cinq pour des camping-cars

9 years 3 months ago
the campsite has three-hundred pitches in total

le camping a trois-cent places au total

9 years 3 months ago
The campsite has more than three hundred slots in total : two hundred slots for tents, seventy-five slots for caravans and twenty-five slots for camper vans.

Le camping a trois-cent places au total : deux-cent places pour des tentes, soixante-quinze places pour des caravanes et vingt-cinq pour des camping-cars.

9 years 3 months ago
two-hundred and fifty metres away from a big fine sandy beach

à deux-cent-cinquante mètres d’une grande plage de sable fin

9 years 3 months ago
The Saint Michael campsite is located in the eastern part of the region.

Le camping Saint-Michel est situé dans l’est de la région.

9 years 3 months ago
The Saint-Michel campsite is located in the eastern part of the region, two-hundred and fifty metres away from a big fine sandy beach.

Le camping Saint-Michel est situé dans l’est de la région à deux-cent-cinquante mètres d’une grande plage de sable fin.

9 years 3 months ago
The Saint Michael campsite (part 3)

Le camping Saint Michael (partie 3)

9 years 3 months ago
The Saint Michael campsite (part 2)

Le camping Saint-Michel (partie 2)

9 years 3 months ago
The Saint Michael campsite (dialogue)

Le camping Saint-Michel (dialogue)

9 years 3 months ago
Thomas and Peter (at quarter past one)

Thomas et Pierre (à une heure et quart)

9 years 3 months ago
Thomas and Peter (at half past ten)

Thomas et Pierre (à dix heures trente)

9 years 3 months ago
Thomas and Peter (last Saturday)

Thomas et Pierre (samedi dernier)

9 years 3 months ago
and played on the computer

et joué à l’ordinateur

9 years 3 months ago
where they listened to music

où ils ont écouté de la musique

9 years 3 months ago
returned to Peter’s house

sont rentrés chez Pierre

9 years 3 months ago
the two friends

les deux amis

9 years 3 months ago
the two friends returned to Peter’s house

les deux amis sont rentrés chez Pierre

9 years 3 months ago
next to the post office

à côté de la poste

9 years 3 months ago