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celebrates; is celebrating


9 years ago
In France, people celebrate the end of the Second World War.

En France, on célèbre la fin de la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale.

9 years ago
On the eighth of May, people don’t work.

Le huit mai, on ne travaille pas.

9 years ago
On the 8th of May, people don’t work. In France, people celebrate the end of the Second World War.

Le huit mai, on ne travaille pas. En France, on célèbre la fin de la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale.

9 years ago
offers; is offering


9 years ago


9 years ago
On the first of May, people don’t work. Traditionally, people offer some lily of the valley.

Le premier mai, on ne travaille pas. Traditionnellement, on offre du muguet.

9 years ago
On the first of May, people don’t work.

Le premier mai, on ne travaille pas.

9 years ago
Traditionally, people offer some lily of the valley.

Traditionnellement, on offre du muguet.

9 years ago
people don’t work

on ne travaille pas

9 years ago
some lily of the valley

du muguet

9 years ago
lily of the valley


9 years ago
blade; sprig


9 years ago
a sprig of lily of the valley

un brin de muguet

9 years ago
spring (season)


9 years ago
beginning; start


9 years ago
of April


9 years ago
an April fool’s joke

un poisson d’avril

9 years ago


9 years ago
hang; are hanging (3rd person plural)


9 years ago
jokes; pranks


9 years ago
On the first of April, people perform pranks! Children stick fish on other people’s back.

Le premier avril, les gens font des blagues ! Les enfants accrochent des poissons dans le dos des autres.

9 years ago
Children stick fish on other people’s backs.

Les enfants accrochent des poissons dans le dos des autres.

9 years ago
On the first of April, people perform pranks!

Le premier avril, les gens font des blagues !

9 years ago
The twenty-first of March, is the beginning of spring!

Le vingt et un mars, c’est le début du printemps !

9 years ago
Saint Valentine; Valentine’s Day


9 years ago
Valentine; Valentin (boy’s name)


9 years ago
some galettes

des galettes

9 years ago
some pancakes

des crêpes

9 years ago
Candlemas Day

la Chandeleur

9 years ago
Candlemas; Presentation of Jesus at the Temple


9 years ago
pancakes; crepes


9 years ago
Epiphany Day


9 years ago


9 years ago
Gregorian calendar

calendrier grégorien

9 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago
On the eighth of March, it’s Women’s day.

Le huit mars, c’est la journée de la Femme.

9 years ago
On the fourteenth of February, it’s Valentine’s day.

Le quatorze février, c’est la Saint-Valentin.

9 years ago
On the second of February is Candlemas Day. For Candlemas Day, people eat crepes.

Le deux février, c’est la Chandeleur. Pour la Chandeleur, on mange des crêpes.

9 years ago