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Recording English French Time ago created Learn
the duty

le devoir

4 years 11 months ago
he has to

il doit

4 years 11 months ago
you have to

tu dois

4 years 11 months ago
I have to; I must

je dois

4 years 11 months ago
the armadillos

les tatous

4 years 11 months ago
You are not going out because it’s raining; if it wasn’t raining, you would go out.

Tu ne sors pas parce qu’il pleut ; s’il ne pleuvait pas, tu sortirais.

4 years 11 months ago
would go out (2nd person singular)


4 years 11 months ago
if it was not raining, you would go out

s’il ne pleuvait pas, tu sortirais

4 years 11 months ago
going out


4 years 11 months ago
you are not going out because it’s raining

tu ne sors pas parce qu’il pleut

4 years 11 months ago
She does not go out because it’s raining; if it was not raining, she would go out.

Elle ne sort pas parce qu’il pleut; s’il ne pleuvait pas, elle sortirait.

4 years 11 months ago
would go out (3rd person singular)


4 years 11 months ago
was raining


4 years 11 months ago
if it was not raining, she would go out

s’il ne pleuvait pas, elle sortirait

4 years 11 months ago
because it

parce qu’il

4 years 11 months ago
is raining


4 years 11 months ago
she isn’t going out because it’s raining

elle ne sort pas parce qu’il pleut

4 years 11 months ago
search engine

moteur de recherche

4 years 11 months ago
Google is a popular search engine.

Google est un moteur de recherche populaire.

4 years 11 months ago


4 years 11 months ago
some rosé

du rosé

4 years 11 months ago


4 years 11 months ago
some rosé wine

du vin rosé

4 years 11 months ago
some white

du blanc

4 years 11 months ago
some wine

du vin

4 years 11 months ago
some beer

de la bière

4 years 11 months ago
some alcoholic beverages

des boissons alcoolisées

4 years 11 months ago


4 years 11 months ago
to tighten


4 years 11 months ago
to move apart


4 years 11 months ago
to select


4 years 11 months ago
to rescue


4 years 11 months ago
to shake


4 years 11 months ago
to escape


4 years 11 months ago
to saw


4 years 11 months ago
to lather


4 years 11 months ago
to sprinkle


4 years 11 months ago
to lean


4 years 11 months ago
some fruit juice

du jus de fruits

4 years 11 months ago


4 years 11 months ago