Understand spoken French

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Recording English French Time ago created Learn


4 years 9 months ago
Is it far?

Est-ce que c’est loin ?

4 years 9 months ago


4 years 9 months ago
could (polite form)


4 years 9 months ago
Could you repeat that more slowly please?

Est-ce que vous pourriez répéter cela plus lentement s’il vous plaît ?

4 years 9 months ago
My name is Peter.

Je m’appelle Pierre.

4 years 9 months ago
I am English. (female speaker)

Je suis anglaise.

4 years 9 months ago
I am English.

Je suis anglais.

4 years 9 months ago
I speak some French.

Je parle un peu français.

4 years 9 months ago
Pleased to meet you.

Je suis heureux de faire votre connaissance.

4 years 9 months ago
a salmon quiche

une quiche au saumon

4 years 11 months ago


4 years 11 months ago
a quiche lorraine

une quiche lorraine

4 years 11 months ago


4 years 11 months ago
a quiche

une quiche

4 years 11 months ago
tomorrow morning

demain matin

4 years 11 months ago
yesterday evening

hier soir

4 years 11 months ago
yesterday morning

hier matin

4 years 11 months ago
this night

cette nuit

4 years 11 months ago
this morning

ce matin

4 years 11 months ago
all evening

toute la soirée

4 years 11 months ago
all day

toute la journée

4 years 11 months ago


4 years 11 months ago
every evening

tous les soirs

4 years 11 months ago
every day

tous les jours

4 years 11 months ago
the night

la nuit

4 years 11 months ago
the evening

la soirée

4 years 11 months ago
the morning

la matinée

4 years 11 months ago


4 years 11 months ago


4 years 11 months ago
the morning

le matin

4 years 11 months ago
the day

la journée

4 years 11 months ago
Léa: I present my parents’ house

Léa : Je présente la maison de mes parents

4 years 11 months ago
smile (1st and 2nd person singular)


4 years 11 months ago
When I’m happy, I smile.

Quand je suis content, je souris.

4 years 11 months ago
Why are you here?

Pourquoi êtes-vous ici ?

4 years 11 months ago
Who took my pen?

Qui a pris mon stylo ?

4 years 11 months ago
What is the problem?

Quel est le problème ?

4 years 11 months ago
Where is the taxi?

Où est le taxi ?

4 years 11 months ago
toasted cheese and ham sandwich with a fried egg on top


4 years 11 months ago