Tom rookte minstens twee pakjes sigaretten.
Literal Breakdown
Recording | English | Dutch | Learn |
Tom (boy’s name) | Tom |
smoked | rookte |
at least | minstens |
two (2) | twee |
packs | pakjes |
cigarettes | sigaretten |
The Dutch translation for “Tom smoked at least two packs of cigarettes.” is Tom rookte minstens twee pakjes sigaretten.. The Dutch, Tom rookte minstens twee pakjes sigaretten., can be broken down into 6 parts:"Tom (boy’s name)" (Tom), "smoked" (rookte), "at least" (minstens), "two (2)" (twee), "packs" (pakjes) and "cigarettes" (sigaretten).Practice Lesson
Lesson words
This lesson has no individual words.