Understand spoken Dutch

"This company offers free courses to further your professional development." in Dutch

Dit bedrijf biedt gratis cursussen aan om uw professionele ontwikkeling te bevorderen.

Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “This company offers free courses to further your professional development.” is Dit bedrijf biedt gratis cursussen aan om uw professionele ontwikkeling te bevorderen.. The Dutch, Dit bedrijf biedt gratis cursussen aan om uw professionele ontwikkeling te bevorderen., can be broken down into 11 parts:"this" (dit), "company" (bedrijf), "offers" (biedt), "free" (gratis), "courses" (cursussen), "to (direction)" (aan), "in order to" (om), "your (formal)" (uw), "professional" (professionele), "development" (ontwikkeling) and "to improve (long form)" (te bevorderen).

Practice Lesson

Themed Courses
