dicht Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “thick” is dicht. Pronounced the same Recording English Dutch Learn close dicht Learn close (part 1) dicht Examples of "thick" in use There is 1 example of the Dutch word for "thick" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn Lit up by the blazing sun, there stood an old castle, that was surrounded by a deep canal, and from the wall to the water thick brushwood was growing. Door de glans der zon beschenen, stond daar een oud kasteel, dat door een diepe gracht omgeven was, en van de muur tot aan het water groeide dicht kreupelhout. Learn Practice Lesson "thick" Practice (2) Lesson Learn Lesson words thick etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases Lit up by the blazing sun, there stood an old castle, that was surrounded by a deep canal, and from the wall to the water thick brushwood was growing. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 242 Part of Speech Courses Adjectives 55