Understand spoken Dutch

"The U.S. porn industry has ceased all shootings of porn films." in Dutch

De Amerikaanse porno-industrie heeft alle opnames van pornofilms stilgelegd.


Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “The U.S. porn industry has ceased all shootings of porn films.” is De Amerikaanse porno-industrie heeft alle opnames van pornofilms stilgelegd.. The Dutch, De Amerikaanse porno-industrie heeft alle opnames van pornofilms stilgelegd., can be broken down into 9 parts:"the" (de), "American (long form)" (Amerikaanse), "porn industry" (porno-industrie), "has (3rd person singular)" (heeft), "all (long form)" (alle), "recordings" (opnames), "of" (van), "porn films" (pornofilms) and "ceased (past participle)" (stilgelegd).

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