Understand spoken Dutch

"The stronger the response, the better we can respond to your needs." in Dutch

Hoe sterker de respons, hoe beter we kunnen inspelen op jouw noden.


Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “The stronger the response, the better we can respond to your needs.” is Hoe sterker de respons, hoe beter we kunnen inspelen op jouw noden.. The Dutch, Hoe sterker de respons, hoe beter we kunnen inspelen op jouw noden., can be broken down into 12 parts:"how" (hoe), "stronger" (sterker), "the" (de), "response" (respons), "how" (hoe), "better" (beter), "we" (we), "can (plural)" (kunnen), "to react" (inspelen), "to" (op), "your (informal)" (jouw) and "needs" (noden).

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