Understand spoken Dutch

"The neighbors complained about the constant commotion during the festival." in Dutch

De buurtbewoners klaagden over de constante heibel tijdens het festival.


Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “The neighbors complained about the constant commotion during the festival.” is De buurtbewoners klaagden over de constante heibel tijdens het festival.. The Dutch, De buurtbewoners klaagden over de constante heibel tijdens het festival., can be broken down into 10 parts:"the" (de), "local residents" (buurtbewoners), "complained" (klaagden), "over; about" (over), "the" (de), "constant" (constante), "commotion; fuss" (heibel), "during" (tijdens), "the (neutral)" (het) and "festival" (festival).

Practice Lesson


Dutch source