Understand spoken Dutch

"The movie was somewhat boring in the beginning but became captivating later." in Dutch

De film was enigszins saai in het begin, maar werd later boeiend.

Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “The movie was somewhat boring in the beginning but became captivating later.” is De film was enigszins saai in het begin, maar werd later boeiend.. The Dutch, De film was enigszins saai in het begin, maar werd later boeiend., can be broken down into 12 parts:"the" (de), "film" (film), "was" (was), "somewhat" (enigszins), "dull; boring" (saai), "in" (in), "the (neutral)" (het), "beginning" (begin), "but" (maar), "was; became" (werd), "later" (later) and "enthralling" (boeiend).

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