Understand spoken Dutch

"The child sat in the stiffness of death whilst holding the matches, of which one box was burnt." in Dutch

Verstijfd zat het kind daar met de lucifers, waarvan een doosje geheel opgebrand was.


Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “The child sat in the stiffness of death whilst holding the matches, of which one box was burnt.” is Verstijfd zat het kind daar met de lucifers, waarvan een doosje geheel opgebrand was.. The Dutch, Verstijfd zat het kind daar met de lucifers, waarvan een doosje geheel opgebrand was., can be broken down into 14 parts:"stiffened" (verstijfd), "sat" (zat), "the (neutral)" (het), "child" (kind), "there (place)" (daar), "with (accompanying)" (met), "the" (de), "matches" (lucifers), "of which" (waarvan), "a; an" (een), "small box" (doosje), "entirely" (geheel), "burnt" (opgebrand) and "was" (was).

Examples of "The child sat in the stiffness of death whilst holding the matches, of which one box was burnt." in use

There is 1 example of the Dutch word for "The child sat in the stiffness of death whilst holding the matches, of which one box was burnt." being used:

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