Understand spoken Dutch

"The blue vapor drifted in thick clouds into the trees and far over the water; the hunting dogs went into the swamp." in Dutch

De blauwe damp trok in dikke wolken in de bomen en ver over het water heen; de jachthonden gingen het moeras in.

Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “The blue vapor drifted in thick clouds into the trees and far over the water; the hunting dogs went into the swamp.” is De blauwe damp trok in dikke wolken in de bomen en ver over het water heen; de jachthonden gingen het moeras in.. The Dutch, De blauwe damp trok in dikke wolken in de bomen en ver over het water heen; de jachthonden gingen het moeras in., can be broken down into 22 parts:"the" (de), "blue (long form)" (blauwe), "vapor" (damp), "drifted" (trok), "in" (in), "fat" (dikke), "clouds" (wolken), "in" (in), "the" (de), "trees" (bomen), "and" (en), "far" (ver), "over; about" (over), "the (neutral)" (het), "water" (water), "through (part 2)" (heen), "the" (de), "hunting dogs" (jachthonden), "went" (gingen), "the (neutral)" (het), "swamp; marsh" (moeras) and "in" (in).

Examples of "The blue vapor drifted in thick clouds into the trees and far over the water; the hunting dogs went into the swamp." in use

There is 1 example of the Dutch word for "The blue vapor drifted in thick clouds into the trees and far over the water; the hunting dogs went into the swamp." being used:
