Understand spoken Dutch

"My flight was supposed to arrive at 2:30 p.m." in Dutch

Mijn vlucht moest normaal om half drie ’s middags aankomen.

Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “My flight was supposed to arrive at 2:30 p.m.” is Mijn vlucht moest normaal om half drie ’s middags aankomen.. The Dutch, Mijn vlucht moest normaal om half drie ’s middags aankomen., can be broken down into 10 parts:"my" (mijn), "flight" (vlucht), "had to (singular)" (moest), "normal" (normaal), "at" (om), "half" (half), "three (3)" (drie), "in the" (’s), "afternoons" (middags) and "to arrive" (aankomen).

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