Understand spoken Dutch

"I’d just like to go over the job with you by telephone" in Dutch

had ik graag even de vacature met u doorgenomen via telefoon


Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “I’d just like to go over the job with you by telephone” is had ik graag even de vacature met u doorgenomen via telefoon. The Dutch, had ik graag even de vacature met u doorgenomen via telefoon, can be broken down into 11 parts:"had (singular)" (had), "I" (ik), "gladly; with pleasure" (graag), "just; for a bit" (even), "the" (de), "vacancy" (vacature), "with (accompanying)" (met), "you (formal)" (u), "gone through; gone over (past participle)" (doorgenomen), "via" (via) and "telephone" (telefoon).

Examples of "I’d just like to go over the job with you by telephone" in use

There is 1 example of the Dutch word for "I’d just like to go over the job with you by telephone" being used:

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