Understand spoken Dutch

"I was wondering if I might pique your interest in this." in Dutch

Ik vroeg me af of ik uw interesse hiervoor zou kunnen opwekken.

Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “I was wondering if I might pique your interest in this.” is Ik vroeg me af of ik uw interesse hiervoor zou kunnen opwekken.. The Dutch, Ik vroeg me af of ik uw interesse hiervoor zou kunnen opwekken., can be broken down into 12 parts:"I" (ik), "asked" (vroeg), "me" (me), "off" (af), "whether" (of), "I" (ik), "your (formal)" (uw), "interest" (interesse), "for this" (hiervoor), "should; would (singular)" (zou), "to be able" (kunnen) and "to awaken" (opwekken).

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