Experimenten hebben aangetoond dat deze bewering juist is.
Literal Breakdown
Recording | English | Dutch | Learn |
experiments | experimenten |
have (plural) | hebben |
demonstrated | aangetoond |
that | dat |
this; these | deze |
assertion | bewering |
exactly | juist |
is | is |
The Dutch translation for “Experiments have shown that this statement is correct.” is Experimenten hebben aangetoond dat deze bewering juist is.. The Dutch, Experimenten hebben aangetoond dat deze bewering juist is., can be broken down into 8 parts:"experiments" (experimenten), "have (plural)" (hebben), "demonstrated" (aangetoond), "that" (dat), "this; these" (deze), "assertion" (bewering), "exactly" (juist) and "is" (is).Practice Lesson
Lesson words
This lesson has no individual words.
English source
Dutch source