vergelijking Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “comparison” is vergelijking. Examples of "comparison" in use There are 2 examples of the Dutch word for "comparison" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn the comparison de vergelijking Learn I was surprised that the laws on home education in that country are very different compared to the laws in the United States. Ik verbaasde me erover dat de wetten over thuisonderwijs in dat land heel verschillend zijn in vergelijking met de wetten in de Verenigde Staten. Learn Practice Lesson "comparison" Practice (3) Lesson Learn Lesson words comparison etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases I was surprised that the laws on home education in that country are very different compared to the laws in the United States., the comparison etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 224 Part of Speech Courses Nouns 175 Acknowledgements Audio voice156