zoveel Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “as many; as much” is zoveel. Pronounced the same Recording English Dutch Learn so many; so much zoveel Learn Examples of "as many; as much" in use There are 4 examples of the Dutch word for "as many; as much" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn Take as much as your heart desires. Neem zoveel als je hart begeert. Learn Tom and Mary weren’t able to eat as much as they wanted. Tom en Mary konden niet zoveel eten als ze wouden. Learn And now all the little ducks hurried, as much as they could, and they emerged from the eggs and looked everywhere under the green leaves; and the mother let them look, as much as they wanted; because green is good for the eyes. En nu haasten zich al de kleine eendjes, wat zij konden, en zij kwamen uit de eieren te voorschijn en keken naar alle kanten onder de groene bladeren; en de moeder liet ze kijken, zoveel als zij maar wilden; want groen is goed voor de ogen. Learn Repeating a year in secondary education should be avoided as much as possible. Een jaar overdoen in het middelbaar onderwijs moet zoveel mogelijk worden vermeden. Learn Practice Lesson "as many; as much" Practice (5) Lesson Learn Lesson words as many; as much etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases And now all the little ducks hurried, as much as they could, and they emerged from the eggs and looked everywhere under the green leaves; and the mother let them look, as much as they wanted; because green is good for the eyes., Repeating a year in secondary education should be avoided as much as possible., Take as much as your heart desires., Tom and Mary weren’t able to eat as much as they wanted. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 105 Miscellaneous 106 Part of Speech Courses Conjunctions 3 Acknowledgements Audio Gerda van der Haak