en daar boven was noch koude, noch honger, noch angst, zij waren bij God!
Literal Breakdown
The Dutch translation for “and up there, there was no cold, nor hunger, nor fear, they would be with God!” is en daar boven was noch koude, noch honger, noch angst, zij waren bij God!. The Dutch, en daar boven was noch koude, noch honger, noch angst, zij waren bij God!, can be broken down into 14 parts:"and" (en), "there (place)" (daar), "above" (boven), "was" (was), "nor" (noch), "cold (long form)" (koude), "nor" (noch), "hunger" (honger), "nor" (noch), "fear" (angst), "they" (zij), "were" (waren), "with" (bij) and "God" (God).Examples of "and up there, there was no cold, nor hunger, nor fear, they would be with God!" in use
There is 1 example of the Dutch word for "and up there, there was no cold, nor hunger, nor fear, they would be with God!" being used:Recording | English | Dutch | Learn |
“Grandmother!” shouted the little one. (paragraph) | «Grootmoeder!» riep de kleine uit. (paragraaf) |