Understand spoken Dutch

"According to the SNCB the report is based on premature assumptions." in Dutch

Volgens de NMBS berust de berichtgeving op voorbarige veronderstellingen.


Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “According to the SNCB the report is based on premature assumptions.” is Volgens de NMBS berust de berichtgeving op voorbarige veronderstellingen.. The Dutch, Volgens de NMBS berust de berichtgeving op voorbarige veronderstellingen., can be broken down into 9 parts:"according to" (volgens), "the" (de), "National Railway Company of Belgium" (NMBS), "rests" (berust), "the" (de), "reporting" (berichtgeving), "on" (op), "premature (long form)" (voorbarige) and "assumptions" (veronderstellingen).

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