waarbij Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “where; whereas” is waarbij. Examples of "where; whereas" in use There are 2 examples of the Dutch word for "where; whereas" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn where you guarantee a pro-active approach and clear communication waarbij je borg staat voor een pro-actieve aanpak en heldere communicatie Learn Drizzle is a type of precipitation in the form of rain where the water droplets have a diameter smaller than 0.5 mm. Motregen is een neerslagsoort in de vorm van regen waarbij de waterdruppels een kleinere diameter hebben dan 0,5 mm. Learn Practice Lesson "where; whereas" Practice (3) Lesson Learn Lesson words where; whereas etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases Drizzle is a type of precipitation in the form of rain where the water droplets have a diameter smaller than 0.5 mm., where you guarantee a pro-active approach and clear communication etc. View all lesson phrases Part of Speech Courses Conjunctions 3