Literal Breakdown
Recording | English | Dutch | Learn |
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Englishto resolve (part 1) | Dutchop | Learn |
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Englishto resolve (part 2) | Dutchlossen | Learn |
The Dutch translation for “to resolve” is oplossen. The Dutch, oplossen, can be broken down into 2 parts:"to resolve (part 1)" (op) and "to resolve (part 2)" (lossen).See also
Recording | English | Dutch | Learn |
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Englishto resolve | Dutchverhelpen | Learn |
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Englishto resolve (long form) | Dutchte oplossen | Learn |
Examples of "to resolve" in use
There are 3 examples of the Dutch word for "to resolve" being used:Recording | English | Dutch | Learn |
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Englishto resolve (long form) | Dutchte oplossen | Learn |
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Englishidentify development bottlenecks and resolve them | Dutchidentificeren van ontwikkelings-knelpunten en het oplossen daarvan | Learn |
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EnglishThe gun was the police’s sole lead for solving the crime. | DutchHet pistool was het enige aanknopingspunt van de politie voor het oplossen van het misdrijf. | Learn |