The Dutch translation for “requires (3rd person singular)” is vergt.See also
Recording | English | Dutch | Learn |
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Englishto require | Dutchvergen | Learn |
Recording |
Englishrequires; needs (3rd person singular) | Dutchvereist | Learn |
Examples of "requires" in use
There are 3 examples of the Dutch word for "requires" being used:Recording | English | Dutch | Learn |
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EnglishThe career of a doctor requires dedication. | DutchDe loopbaan van een arts vergt toewijding. | Learn |
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EnglishIt takes courage to follow your heart. | DutchHet vergt moed om je hart te volgen. | Learn |
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EnglishThis requires a lot of combined technology expertise. | DutchDit vergt veel gecombineerde expertise van technologie. | Learn |
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