per Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “per” is per. Examples of "per" in use There are 15 examples of the Dutch word for "per" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn three times a year drie keer per jaar Learn I read three books a week. Ik lees drie boeken per week. Learn He gets his hair cut once a month. Hij laat zijn haar eens per maand knippen. Learn km/h km/uur Learn I try to swim a kilometer a day. Ik doe mijn best een kilometer per dag te zwemmen. Learn How many meals a day do you eat? Hoeveel maaltijden per dag eet jij? Learn Tom drinks at least three cups of coffee every day. Tom drinkt minstens drie kopjes koffie per dag. Learn The full-board option includes three meals a day. De keuze voor volpension omvat drie maaltijden per dag. Learn He earns twenty dollars a day. Hij verdient twintig dollar per dag. Learn You are also required to submit your child’s school attendance four times a year. Je bent ook verplicht de schoolaanwezigheid van je kind vier keer per jaar in te dienen. Learn Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page Next › Last page Last » Practice Lesson "per" Practice (16) Lesson Learn Lesson words per etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases A typical Greek pays only seven times a year with his bank card at the store., Gustav was so distracted early this morning that he accidentally put on two different socks., He earns twenty dollars a day., He gets his hair cut once a month., How many meals a day do you eat?, I read three books a week., I try to swim a kilometer a day., In my state, Florida, families just have to send a letter of intention to the government and once a year the test results., I’ve formatted your hard disk by mistake., km/h, Our contact point is always reachable by phone., The full-board option includes three meals a day., three times a year, Tom drinks at least three cups of coffee every day., You are also required to submit your child’s school attendance four times a year. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 29 Part of Speech Courses Prepositions 4 Acknowledgements Audio Domien De Groot