kijk Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “look” is kijk. Examples of "look" in use There are 11 examples of the Dutch word for "look" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn What are you watching? Wat kijk je? Learn Look at that building. Kijk naar dat gebouw. Learn Oh, look, there comes the bus! O, kijk, daar komt de bus al aan! Learn Do you like watching TV? Kijk je graag televisie? Learn Look someplace else. Kijk ergens anders. Learn Look at the cover. Kijk naar de omslag. Learn “Look, that is how it goes in the world now!“ said the mother of the ducklings, and she was sticking out her beak, because she also wanted the eel head. “ “Kijk, zo gaat het nu in de wereld!” zei de moeder der eendjes, en zij stak haar snavel al uit, want zij wilde de palingkop ook wel hebben.” Learn “No, it’s not a turkey,” thought the old duck; “Look how strong he hits his legs and how straight he knows how to keep himself!” “Nee, het is geen kalkoen,” dacht de oude eend; “kijk eens, hoe ferm hij met zijn poten slaat en hoe recht hij zich weet te houden!” Learn It does not want to open; but look at the others: aren’t those the sweetest ducks that you have ever seen in your life? Het wil maar niet opengaan; maar kijk eens naar de anderen: zijn dat niet de liefste eendjes, die je ooit van je leven gezien hebt? Learn “Look at that! Now we wil get additional ones, as if we are not enough already! And gosh! that one duckling looks so ugly! We don’t want that here! ” “Kijk eens! Nu moeten wij nog het aanhangsel krijgen, alsof wij al niet talrijk genoeg waren! En foei! wat ziet dat ene eendje er uit! Dat willen wij hier niet hebben!” Learn Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page Next › Last page Last » Practice Lesson "look" Practice (12) Lesson Learn Lesson words look etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases Do you like watching TV?, It does not want to open; but look at the others: aren’t those the sweetest ducks that you have ever seen in your life?, Look at that building., Look at the cover., Look someplace else., Oh, look, there comes the bus!, then watch out that you don’t devour each other, What are you watching?, “Look at that! Now we wil get additional ones, as if we are not enough already! And gosh! that one duckling looks so ugly! We don’t want that here! ”, “Look, that is how it goes in the world now!“ said the mother of the ducklings, and she was sticking out her beak, because she also wanted the eel head. “, “No, it’s not a turkey,” thought the old duck; “Look how strong he hits his legs and how straight he knows how to keep himself!” etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 31 Part of Speech Courses Verbs (Present tense, 3rd person singular) 2