kalasjnikov Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “kalashnikov” is kalasjnikov. Examples of "kalashnikov" in use There are 2 examples of the Dutch word for "kalashnikov" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn the kalashnikov de kalasjnikov Learn In his luggage, the investigators found besides a small camera and a revolver also a Kalashnikov and a cap. In zijn bagage vonden de speurders behalve een kleine camera en een revolver ook een kalasjnikov en een pet. Learn Practice Lesson "kalashnikov" Practice (3) Lesson Learn Lesson words kalashnikov etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases In his luggage, the investigators found besides a small camera and a revolver also a Kalashnikov and a cap., the kalashnikov etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Weapons 2 Part of Speech Courses Nouns 270 Nouns 271 Acknowledgements Audio Joe van der Lee