Understand spoken Dutch

"In the majority of states here, the laws are not that strict." in Dutch

In de meeste staten hier, zijn de wetten niet zo streng.


Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “In the majority of states here, the laws are not that strict.” is In de meeste staten hier, zijn de wetten niet zo streng.. The Dutch, In de meeste staten hier, zijn de wetten niet zo streng., can be broken down into 11 parts:"in" (in), "the" (de), "most (long form)" (meeste), "states" (staten), "here" (hier), "are (plural)" (zijn), "the" (de), "laws" (wetten), "not" (niet), "so" (zo) and "strict; stern" (streng).

Examples of "In the majority of states here, the laws are not that strict." in use

There is 1 example of the Dutch word for "In the majority of states here, the laws are not that strict." being used:

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