Understand spoken Dutch

"I knew you were trouble the minute I saw you." in Dutch

Zodra ik je zag, wist ik dat je ellende zou brengen.


Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “I knew you were trouble the minute I saw you.” is Zodra ik je zag, wist ik dat je ellende zou brengen.. The Dutch, Zodra ik je zag, wist ik dat je ellende zou brengen., can be broken down into 11 parts:"as soon as" (zodra), "I" (ik), "you (singular)" (je), "saw (past tense of see)" (zag), "knew (singular)" (wist), "I" (ik), "that" (dat), "you (singular)" (je), "misery" (ellende), "should; would (singular)" (zou) and "to bring" (brengen).

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