gehouden Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “held” is gehouden. Examples of "held" in use There are 2 examples of the Dutch word for "held" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn But the poor duckling that had hatched last and looked so ugly was bitten, bumped and fooled by both the ducks and the chickens. Maar het arme eendje, dat het laatst uit het ei gekomen was en er zo lelijk uitzag, werd gebeten, gestoten en voor de gek gehouden, en dat zowel door de eenden als door de kippen. Learn A great hunt was held; the hunters lay around the swamp; yes, some sat up in the branches of the trees, which stretched far over the reed. Er werd een grote jacht gehouden; de jagers lagen rondom het moeras; ja, enigen zaten boven in de takken der boomen, die zich ver over het riet uitstrekten. Learn Practice Lesson "held" Practice (3) Lesson Learn Lesson words held etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases A great hunt was held; the hunters lay around the swamp; yes, some sat up in the branches of the trees, which stretched far over the reed., But the poor duckling that had hatched last and looked so ugly was bitten, bumped and fooled by both the ducks and the chickens. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 147 Part of Speech Courses Adjectives 30 Acknowledgements Audio voice156