Understand spoken Dutch

"Have you recently experienced palpitations or felt like your heart was racing?" in Dutch

Hebt u onlangs hartkloppingen gehad of voelde het alsof uw hart tekeer ging?

Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “Have you recently experienced palpitations or felt like your heart was racing?” is Hebt u onlangs hartkloppingen gehad of voelde het alsof uw hart tekeer ging?. The Dutch, Hebt u onlangs hartkloppingen gehad of voelde het alsof uw hart tekeer ging?, can be broken down into 13 parts:"have (2nd person singular)" (hebt), "you (formal)" (u), "recently" (onlangs), "heart palpitations" (hartkloppingen), "had" (gehad), "or" (of), "felt (singular)" (voelde), "it" (het), "as if" (alsof), "your (formal)" (uw), "heart" (hart), "rampage" (tekeer) and "went (singular)" (ging).

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