palingkop Learn Unstarted Literal Breakdown Recording English Dutch Learn eel paling Learn head (animal) kop Learn Summary The Dutch translation for “eel head” is palingkop. The Dutch, palingkop, can be broken down into 2 parts:"eel" (paling) and "head (animal)" (kop). Examples of "eel head" in use There are 3 examples of the Dutch word for "eel head" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn “Look, that is how it goes in the world now!“ said the mother of the ducklings, and she was sticking out her beak, because she also wanted the eel head. “ “Kijk, zo gaat het nu in de wereld!” zei de moeder der eendjes, en zij stak haar snavel al uit, want zij wilde de palingkop ook wel hebben.” Learn “The other ducklings look very sweet,“ said the old duck; “make yourself at home, and if you find an eel head, you can bring it to me.“ “De andere eendjes zien er allerliefst uit,” zei de oude eend; “doe maar, alsof je thuis waart, en als je een palingkop vindt, dan kun je die wel aan mij brengen.” Learn Inside there was a terrible noise; because there were two families disputing each other’s possession of an eel head, and finally the cat still got it. Daarbinnen was een verschrikkelijk rumoer; want daar waren twee families, die elkaar het bezit van een palingkop betwistten, en eindelijk kreeg de kat die toch. Learn Practice Lesson "eel head" Practice (6) Lesson Learn Lesson words eel, head (animal) etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases eel head, Inside there was a terrible noise; because there were two families disputing each other’s possession of an eel head, and finally the cat still got it., “Look, that is how it goes in the world now!“ said the mother of the ducklings, and she was sticking out her beak, because she also wanted the eel head. “, “The other ducklings look very sweet,“ said the old duck; “make yourself at home, and if you find an eel head, you can bring it to me.“ etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Animals 3 Sea Creatures 1 Food 3 Part of Speech Courses Nouns 61 Acknowledgements Audio voice156