zonderlinge Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “eccentric (long form)” is zonderlinge. See also Recording English Dutch Learn eccentric zonderling Learn Examples of "eccentric" in use There are 4 examples of the Dutch word for "eccentric" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn His eccentric behavior drew a lot of attention. Zijn zonderlinge gedrag trok veel aandacht. Learn He whirled himself in the water like a wheel, stretched out his neck towards the swans, and uttered such a loud and strange scream that it frightened himself. Het draaide zich als een tol in het water rond, strekte zijn kop hoog in de lucht naar de zwanen uit en gaf zulk een luide en zonderlinge schreeuw, dat het er zelf van schrikte Learn The peculiar architecture of that building is unique. De zonderlinge architectuur van dat gebouw is uniek. Learn She had a peculiar fascination with old books. Ze had een zonderlinge fascinatie voor oude boeken. Learn Practice Lesson "eccentric (long form)" Practice (5) Lesson Learn Lesson words eccentric (long form) etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases He whirled himself in the water like a wheel, stretched out his neck towards the swans, and uttered such a loud and strange scream that it frightened himself., His eccentric behavior drew a lot of attention., She had a peculiar fascination with old books., The peculiar architecture of that building is unique. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 120 Part of Speech Courses Adjectives 24 Acknowledgements Audio voice156