Understand spoken Dutch

"By the way, did you find the umbrella you lost recently?" in Dutch

Trouwens, heb je de paraplu gevonden die je onlangs was verloren?

Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “By the way, did you find the umbrella you lost recently?” is Trouwens, heb je de paraplu gevonden die je onlangs was verloren?. The Dutch, Trouwens, heb je de paraplu gevonden die je onlangs was verloren?, can be broken down into 11 parts:"by the way" (trouwens), "have (2nd person singular in a question or command)" (heb), "you (singular)" (je), "the" (de), "umbrella" (paraplu), "found" (gevonden), "that" (die), "you (singular)" (je), "recently" (onlangs), "was" (was) and "lost (verb, plural)" (verloren).

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