Understand spoken Dutch

"but - the light already went out, the stove disappeared and all that was left, was the remains of a half-burnt match in her hand." in Dutch

maar - daar ging het lichtje uit, de kachel verdween, zij hield slechts een klein stompje van het afgebrande lucifertje in de hand.

Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “but - the light already went out, the stove disappeared and all that was left, was the remains of a half-burnt match in her hand.” is maar - daar ging het lichtje uit, de kachel verdween, zij hield slechts een klein stompje van het afgebrande lucifertje in de hand.. The Dutch, maar - daar ging het lichtje uit, de kachel verdween, zij hield slechts een klein stompje van het afgebrande lucifertje in de hand., can be broken down into 22 parts:"but" (maar), "there (place)" (daar), "went (singular)" (ging), "the (neutral)" (het), "light (diminutive)" (lichtje), "out" (uit), "the" (de), "stove" (kachel), "disappeared" (verdween), "she" (zij), "kept (singular)" (hield), "just; only" (slechts), "a; an" (een), "small" (klein), "stub" (stompje), "of" (van), "the (neutral)" (het), "burnt" (afgebrande), "match (diminutive)" (lucifertje), "in" (in), "the" (de) and "hand" (hand).

Examples of "but - the light already went out, the stove disappeared and all that was left, was the remains of a half-burnt match in her hand." in use

There is 1 example of the Dutch word for "but - the light already went out, the stove disappeared and all that was left, was the remains of a half-burnt match in her hand." being used:

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