conditions |
voorwaarden |
consists (3rd person singular) |
bestaat |
consists of |
bestaat uit |
contributions |
bijdragen |
coral |
koraal |
coral reefs |
koraalriffen |
Could I have some more? |
Mag ik wat meer? |
Could I see a menu? |
Mag ik een menu zien? |
count |
graaf |
countries |
landen |
country |
land |
counts (3rd person singular) |
telt |
course |
cursus |
Course for those who commit a minor offence |
Cursus voor wie lichte overtreding begaat |
cover designs |
kaftontwerpen |
cowardly (long form) |
laffe |
crazy; mad |
dol |
creative (long form) |
creatieve |
credit card |
kredietkaart |
criminals |
criminelen |