Understand spoken Dutch

"was" Practice Dutch lesson

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The preparation was an organizational and logistical feat.

De voorbereiding was een organisatorisch en logistiek huzarenstuk.

The road was completely blocked.

De weg was volledig versperd.

The sea was very smooth.

De zee was erg glad.

The toll of the pandemic was heavy.

De tol van de pandemie was zwaar.

the wind tore them off, so they danced around, and up in the air it was ice cold

de wind rukte ze af, zodat zij in de rondte dansten, en boven in de lucht was het snerpend koud

their street was deserted

hun straat was uitgestorven

There was a lot to do.

Er was veel te doen.

There was always something that was a bit not quite right.

Altijd was er iets, dat niet geheel in de haak was.

this one was larger and even more beautiful than the one which she had seen through the glass door at the rich merchant’s.

deze was nog groter en prachtiger dan die, welke zij door de glazen deur bij de rijke koopman gezien had.

this village, I still know how it was

dit dorp, ik weet nog hoe het was

This was the last major setback that the Dutch had to endure.

Dit was de laatste grote tegenslag die de Hollanders moesten verduren.

Tom assumed that it was free.

Tom ging ervan uit dat het gratis was.

Tom said he thought I was lazy.

Tom zei dat hij dacht dat ik lui was.

Tom told me that I was wasting my time.

Tom zei me dat ik mijn tijd aan het verspillen was.

Tom was my father.

Tom was mijn vader.

Tom was my husband.

Tom was mijn echtgenoot.

Tom was my son.

Tom was mijn zoon.

Tom was one of the three who died in the attack.

Tom was één van de drie die stierven in de aanval.

Tom wasn’t satisfied with Mary’s answer.

Tom was niet tevreden met het antwoord van Mary.

Tom’s grandfather was a slave.

Toms grootvader was een slaaf.