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Understand spoken Dutch
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Understand spoken Dutch
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"out" Practice Dutch lesson
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A chirp was heard, and all the animals of the eggs came alive and stuck their heads out of the egg shells.
a handful of snails slipped out of his mouth
A memory is an experience from the past that is stored in memory.
A poll showed that 79% felt themselves hampered in their right to vote.
According to a survey by the Association for Alcohol and Other Drug Problems.
And from the trees appeared suddenly three beautiful white swans
And now all the little ducks hurried, as much as they could, and they emerged from the eggs and looked everywhere under the green leaves; and the mother let them look, as much as they wanted; because green is good for the eyes.
And our princess who along with King Philip followed the match in from the stand, was totally freaking out.
And she lit all the matches in the box, for she wished to keep her grandmother with her.
At the annual high mass of technology, many companies release news and product launches.
Banishment is the removal of someone from a community.
but - the light already went out, the stove disappeared and all that was left, was the remains of a half-burnt match in her hand.
But the poor duckling that had hatched last and looked so ugly was bitten, bumped and fooled by both the ducks and the chickens.
Can you arch your back, or purr, or throw out sparks?
Do you think maybe she would like to swim, and to let the water splash over her head?
Don’t forget to turn the light off.
End of story.
First later on the day it became quiet; but the poor duckling did not dare to get up yet; it waited several hours more, before it turned around, and then it rushed out of the swamp as fast as it could.
he stretched his snout straight towards the duckling
He whirled himself in the water like a wheel, stretched out his neck towards the swans, and uttered such a loud and strange scream that it frightened himself.
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